"Divinity is our ability to transcend the perceived limitations of humanity" Gregg Braden on Take Back Your Mind Podcast with Michael Bernard Beckwith. I am divine royalty and I am here to realize & demonstrate My divinity. I started this masterpiece on 29th June 2023 at 1:20pm: To Me, My divinity means I am free for My quantum leap of My glorious being. I am heaven-on-earth, ecstasy and supreme bliss. Because of My divinity, I am first and foremost committed to Myself in fulfilment of what My soul sees to express. I am also empowered to touch and impact the hearts & souls of 10,000 liberated 'infinitaires' and progress to impacting the hearts & souls of 8billion liberated 'infinitaires' in My own new world called GAbigail Neworld founded together with Wonders Group and the rest of our demonstrating partners. I am in so much appreciation and reverence for this My Glorious Reality in addition to My inspiring Self-love, My powerful Self-awareness, My abundant unending Self-appreciation & My unique Self Celebration. With Divinity, one is more than a majority: one is unanimous.
I freely and serenely breathe the universe and the universe serenely breathes Me too. As divine royalty, I breathe My unending unconditional love, radiating and activating this My unconditional love to My divine Self first, then to all my loved ones from far, near, even in the after life and rest of my origin, location & destination Heaven. My heart overflows with divine meta unconditional love and light. I am glad I am alive. My Divinity brings about My evolution which results in My celebrations of My Life. As divine royalty, I celebrate Who I am in God & Who God is in Me! My Life is My celebration so I celebrate My unique sweet miraculous magical Life as much as I can. I am glorious and I allow more of all My Riches of life in My new covenant with My God in Me/Christ in Me glory Consciousness. I define My divinity as My soulful delight from infinite Supreme Presence, living intelligence, love, beauty, goodness, greatness, harmonizing prosperity, expanded consciousness, brilliance, uniqueness, impacting, abundance, wisdom, inspiring, transforming, heaven-on-earth, ecstasy and fulfilling bliss beyond all visualization, imagination and conception. I now know that I am here to realize & demonstrate My power in My Divinity timelessly, spaciously and infinitely. My divinity contains My soul’s overall alignment for My extra ordinary legendary paradise life. It is what is emerging through Me once My universe is speaking to Me. My divinity is what and who I reveal as I realize My overall Soul alignment for My Life including My decisions, My choices, My revelations and My transformations. My divinity enables Me to let go off what no longer serves Me. My divinity is what I have already in Me. My divinity is My willingness that enables me to say yes to my revealing of my True authentic Self. My divinity: My splendor, My sweetness both inside and out. I am born with My divinity and I continue to enjoy My divinity throughout eternity!
“I am Divine for God dwells in Me, through Me and as Me” Reverend Ike
My divinity is who I really am. All of Me is My divinity so My experience of My divinity is always deepening, for I am here to experience My divinity and manifest My innate enlightenment. My divinity is My bright golden timeless effortless delicious serene life-changing clear unbounded light and love peaceful beyond words. My divinity enables Me be more of who I really am so I appreciate My divine sonship and divine oneness with My Source. Now I meditate on My Own Self. I worship My Self. I respect My Self for God dwells within Me and as Me. Through My stillness and focused self awareness, I enjoy My Divinity, My silence and My transcendence. In this moment, I Am beautiful and glowing. This is My deep sense of being at peace and My deep sense of feeling happy reflecting My true nature and My feeling great which are both uplifting and unique.
This moment and forever, I experience My Divinity. I realize My Divinity so I am enlightened. Now this world no longer exists as the old world but My own new world which exists as My True Self as God. Now My eyes see My Light of God everywhere and in everything. The more I focus on My Good within Me and in more lives, the more I internalize this Reality for My Self and for more lives. This Divinity is Me Truly. Since we co-create our Reality, I aim high in My co-creation for there is nothing higher than this truth that I am Divine! I am All here Now. I am a Creator & Shifter into My Greatness. I glow, I demonstrate, and I celebrate now. I keep manifesting more and more celebration in My legendary extra ordinary paradise life and in others’ lives. I say yes to Me as the answer. I know that All Divinity loves Me immeasurably so I live My sweet surrendered life with My smile. My Divinity within makes My Divinity shine out luminously. During My meditation I listen to My Divine Self within me. Indeed, to My soul who knows My Divinity, all else gravitate and magic is My divinity in union with My belief and My God's perfection practice. I rely on My divinity which is limitless.
I rise to My Divinity within Me. I adore My divine royalty. My Divine royalty is perfect. Because I am My living Divinity, when I act, the universe embraces. My view of our Heaven is My glimpse of Divinity. My Divinity shapes My outcome in everything. It is My unfolding of My divinity that enables Me to experience My miracles. My legendary extra ordinary paradise life for Me is My endeavor to manifest My divinity and help others manifest their divinity too. All is well in My world. I illuminate My world around Me for I stand up and express My Divinity from within Me. In My meditation, I see My divinity in Me. In My love, I see My divinity in more lives. In My wisdom, I see My divinity everywhere. The only reason we are alive on this heaven on earth is to experience our divinity we embody. We are worthy. We are regarded and respected. We remember the best of who we are. We are light.
My divine royalty delights Me. This helps Me wonderfully grasp My higher meaning of My Life and fulfill My calling in a worthy manner. I am blessed! I am in the Presence of My Divinity. Because I manifest My divinity from within Me, everything else is harmoniously and actively demonstrated around Me. I step into this My divinity of My Real Me of My greatest potential and My infinite Glorious Realities. My divinity is about co-creating & shifting into My expanded Life, living in My heightened consciousness in My new era of My limitless Glorious Realities. As I manifest My Divinity and help more lives manifest their divinity, I call out Soul and see how We awaken. In My divinity, My power is here, My glory is here, My greatness and My goodness are here, My excellence is here, My positive Self is here!
I express My own Divinity by being alive and loving My Self and loving more lives. “Nothing can discourage the appetite of divinity in the heart” Albert Camus. My Divinity means My unfolding and My expressing of My legendary extra ordinary paradise life in My new ways. My Divinity means Me radiating My peace, My bliss and My beauty in my Neworld. I am Divine royalty. I am My all-powered creator shifter and at the same time God's highest form of creation. I am deity and within Me dwells My infinite wisdom of the ageless and My sacred creative force of All that is, will be and ever was. I am nourished and blossomed in My divinity. My Divinity is My Mansion sweet home and I reverence it as I fully lavishly luxuriously enjoy living in it.